The Australian Nurses Memorial Centre History & Heritage Committee presents “Belalau & Beyond” by Dr Judy Balcombe. Dr Judy Balcombe has a deep interest in the lives of nurses and civilians who were in the Sumatran POW camps during the Second World War- particularly survivors of the Vyner Brooke which was sunk whilst escaping from Singapore in 1942. Judy brings … Read More
Unveiling the ANMC Plaque
In February 2021, the ANMC unveiled a new plaque commemorating Australian nurses in war.
2020 Anzac Day Address
Due to COVID-19, we have cancelled our live ANZAC Commemorative service, Arlene our president, has produced this video for the occasion.Due to COVID-19, we have cancelled our live ANZAC Commemorative service, Arlene our president, has produced this video for the occasion.